Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

1. Introductory provisions

1.1. These Terms of Service govern the use of the immo:intel Application. The Application includes all and any parts of the website, its sub-pages, their content, source and machine code operated on the domain immointel.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Application").

1.2. The provider and operator of the Application is Caron Studios s.r.o. with registered office Slávičie údolie 16, 811 02 Bratislava, ID number: 50 584 693, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava III, section: Sro, entry no. 115302/B, established in the Slovak Republic. If the term "immo:intel", "we", "us", etc. is used in these Terms, it means the company Caron Studios s.r.o..

1.3. The Terms also include the Privacy Terms and other additional terms published at any time during the operation of the Application, as a reference in these Terms or in another way. If there is a contradiction between the provisions of the individual conditions mentioned in the previous sentence, then the content of these Conditions takes precedence.

1.4. By accepting these Terms and using the Application, you agree to the terms contained therein. If you do not agree with the Terms, you cannot use the Application

1.5. By confirming these Terms and Conditions, you confirm and guarantee that, according to the applicable regulations of the Slovak Republic and the country of your citizenship or residence, you are entitled to conclude a valid contract with immo:intel. If you use the Application as a representative of another person, then by confirming these Terms, you confirm and guarantee that you are validly and effectively authorized to represent such a person. If you confirm these Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you confirm and guarantee that you are authorized to enter into a valid contract with immo:intel on behalf of such an entity. If, according to your country of citizenship or residence, you are not of legal age or authorized to enter into a contract with immo:intel on the basis of these Terms and Conditions without the consent of a representative, then by confirming these Terms and Conditions, you confirm and warrant that you have the consent of a legal or other representative to use the Application and to confirm and accept these Terms and Conditions. At the same time, you confirm and warrant that you are able to comply with and fulfill all rules, conditions, obligations, and warranties set forth in these Terms.

1.6. These Terms apply to everyone who uses the Application in any way.

1.7. We are entitled to change or modify these Terms at any time. The changed Terms and Conditions will be valid and effective from the moment they are published on the website or mobile application, and by using the application (each time you log in and use the Application), you agree to these new Terms. You are obliged to familiarize yourself with the new Terms and Conditions before further use of the Application.

1.8. If you do not agree to any of the terms set forth in these Terms, then you are not authorized to use the Application and should stop using the Application. Your access to the Application may be blocked in such a situation. If you are dissatisfied with any part of the Application or its functionality, the only way to express your disagreement is to stop using the Application.

2. Terms of use of the Application

2.1. Use of the Application is allowed from the age of 16 and above. If you are not at least 16 years old, you cannot use the Application.

2.2. As a user of the Application, you commit yourself:

2.2.1. not to upload, store, transmit or otherwise disseminate through the Application content that violates the rights of third parties or is illegal, defamatory, offensive, obscene, fraudulent or otherwise inappropriate;

2.2.2. not to upload, store, transmit or otherwise disseminate through the Application content that promotes, either openly or covertly, violence and incitement to hatred based on gender, race, color, language, religion and belief, belonging to a nationality or ethnic group, weapons and ammunition , war, alcohol, smoking, use of narcotic substances, drugs, poisons and precursors, erotic, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate content (including child pornography) or content that otherwise threatens the psychological, physical and moral development of minors, or may disturb their emotional state and their mental health;

2.2.3. not to upload, store, transmit or otherwise distribute content containing personal or identification data of a person other than you through the Application if you do not have the consent of the given person for such use;

2.2.4. not to upload, store, transmit or otherwise disseminate through the Application any malicious computer code, files or programs intended to disrupt or disable the use of the Application or any other software or hardware;

2.2.5. not to upload, store, transmit or otherwise disseminate misleading or false data and information through the Application, which aim to mislead other users or conceal the origin of the transmitted message;

2.2.6. not to use the Application to send or disseminate any form of promotion or advertising of third parties or their products and services (including their websites, social media accounts), including embedding texts or watermarks in videos and images that are not expressly permitted by immo:intel or to send or spreading unsolicited email messages;

2.2.7. not to use the Application in any way to operate or promote competitions, games and bets, provide credit, loans or other financial services, job offers, to spread marketing materials, spam, hoaxes, fake news, fraud or in any other inappropriate way;

2.2.8. to use the Application exclusively in a permitted manner, in accordance with these Terms and/or valid legal regulations of the Slovak Republic;

2.2.9. not to resell, rent, provide for a fee or free of charge the Application or its part to third parties without the consent of immo:intel or not to encumber the right to use the Application in any way.

2.3. As a user of the Application, you may not

2.3.1. collect, process or otherwise dispose of personal data or other content belonging to immo:intel or other users of the Application for any purpose;

2.3.2. without immo:intel’s express consent, use automatic means and tools (robots) to use the Application or any other automatic use of the Application without human intervention by the user;

2.3.3. use the Application to spread any political, ideological or other similar content;

2.3.4. access the computer program, systems, servers or infrastructure of the Application or other immo:intel system in an unauthorized way or to perform activities that threaten the operation of the Application, reduce its quality or disrupt its functionality;

2.3.5. attempt to log into the Application as another user of the Application without their express consent.

2.4. You may only use the Application in the way the Application was designed for using an internet browser, or via a mobile application created by us. Do not access the Application other than through the designated programs and interfaces.

2.5. You must not abuse the use of the Application. We are entitled to suspend or terminate, in our sole discretion, any use of the Application that violates these Terms or otherwise interferes with the operation and use of the Application.

2.6. Any restrictions set forth in this article of the Terms apply generally except where some use of the Application is expressly permitted by generally binding legal regulations and in such case only to the extent of such legal permission.

2.7. In connection with the use of the Application, we may place third-party advertising in individual parts of the Application. We are entitled to change and expand the scope of placed advertising at our own discretion. As a user of the Application, you give your consent to the placement of advertising in individual parts of the Application.

2.8. The application may also use other third-party services. The use of these services may be regulated in the terms of the providers of these services.

2.9. The application may contain links to other websites and files. Immo:intel does not control the content of these websites and files and is in no way responsible for their content, services and materials on these websites.

3. Rights to the Application and content

3.1. immo:intel is the exclusive owner and holder of all property rights and other intellectual property rights of the Application and any part thereof, the contents of the Application, trademarks and logos of the Application.

3.2. By accepting these Terms and using the Application, you do not acquire any property rights, licenses, sublicenses or other rights to the Application (in particular, not the right to modify, change, interfere with the Application, process, adapt and create derivative works, make copies of the Application, further distribute the Application or its copies, etc.). The Application and all its components, including graphic elements, their layout, texts, interfaces and other components of the Application are protected according to the law of the Slovak Republic and international treaties in the field of intellectual property rights. Any use of the Application other than in accordance with these Terms requires the written consent of immo:intel. You are not authorized to use immo:intel's trademarks and logos or use other graphic elements of the Application without immo:intel's consent.

3.3. You are not authorized to change the source or machine code of the Application and try to reverse-translate them or otherwise interfere with its functionality. The application is not provided under any of the freely distributed licenses (GNU GPL and other freely distributed licenses).

3.4. If you have found that any content of the Application violates your property rights or intellectual property rights or the rights of a person you are authorized to represent, you can notify immo:intel of this fact and request the removal of such content from the Application. Immo:intel is not obliged to comply with such a request if: you do not submit all identification data of you or the owner or holder of rights to the content you represent, including contact data; you fail to demonstrate with sufficient credence that you or the person you represent is the owner or authorized holder of the rights to the Content; you do not sufficiently accurately identify the content that violates your rights or the rights of the person you represent and that you request to remove or request to restrict access to; you do not provide a signed statement by you that, to the best of your knowledge, the content you request to be removed or restricted infringes your rights or the rights of a person you represent and that you will indemnify immo:intel against any damages and costs it incurs as a result of complying with your request for removal or restriction of content; you fail to submit a written power of attorney or other document that demonstrates that you are authorized to represent the owner or authorized holder of rights to such content.

3.5. Send content removal requests to our company address or to the email address immointel@caronstudios.net.

4. Modification of the Application

4.1. We reserve the right to change, supplement, suspend or terminate the operation of the Application or any part of it at any time. We also reserve the right to add new restrictions on the use of the Application.

4.2. You are not entitled to seek any claims, damages, losses or compensation against immo:intel in connection with the change, addition, suspension or termination of operation of the Application or any part thereof or in connection with your use of the Application.

5. Liability

5.1. immo:intel does not make any of the following warranties and representations:

5.1.1. The Application will be provided on time, without interruption and without errors;

5.1.2. The Application will be compatible and work flawlessly with other hardware, software, systems or data;

5.1.3. Errors in the Application will be removed properly and in a timely manner;

5.1.4. The data presented in the Application is correct.

5.2. Immo:intel is not responsible for defects in the Application and does not provide a guarantee for the quality of the Application (the contracting parties exclude the scope of § 562 of the Commercial Code, Slovak Republic, in relation to the Application).

5.3. immo:intel operates and provides the application as is without any warranties or representations.

5.4. In no event shall immo:intel, its officers, directors, employees, workers, agents and suppliers be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including lost profits), damage to reputation or data resulting from the use of the Application, availability, reliance on use, features and functions of the Application, inability to use the Application, changes or blocking of the Application, even if you have notified us of this fact.

5.5. Immo:intel is not responsible for errors, exclusions or outages of the Application, which are caused by errors, exclusions or outages of your systems, public communication network, third-party service providers used in the Application or electricity supplies.

5.6. Immo:intel does not, under any circumstances, perform activities that could be considered as providing employment for payment according to Act no. 5/2004 on employment services and on the amendment of certain laws (Slovak Republic) as amended and bears no responsibility for the failure of the user to obtain a job.

6. Final provisions

6.1. You may not transfer or assign any rights under these Terms to a third party without immo:intel's consent.

6.2. These Terms contain the entire and only agreement between You and immo:intel regarding the use of the Application and supersede any prior written or oral agreements or arrangements between You and immo:intel regarding the use of the Application.

6.3. No exercise by immo:intel of any right or claim under these Terms shall constitute a waiver or waiver of such right, and immo:intel shall be entitled to exercise such right or claim at any time.

6.4. If some provisions of these Terms and the contract concluded between you and immo:intel should be invalid at the time of its conclusion, or if they become invalid later after the conclusion of the contract, this does not affect the validity of the other provisions of the Terms. Instead of the invalid provisions of the Terms, the provisions of the Civil Code, the Commercial Code, the Copyright Act and other valid legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, which are closest in content and purpose to the content and purpose, shall be used.

6.5. For the delivery of electronic messages (e-mail), the electronic document is considered delivered when it is delivered to the addressee's e-mail box. For the delivery of documents, the shipment is considered delivered even if the addressee refuses to accept it, or even if the addressee does not accept it due to his own fault or omission. In such a case, it is deemed to have been delivered upon expiry of the storage period at the post office for the duration specified by the sender and upon return of the parcel to the sender, of which the sender must provide undamaged proof. Notifications delivered via the courier service will be considered delivered at the moment of acceptance by the addressee. In case of failure of delivery by the courier service, the third day after the first delivery attempt will be considered as the moment of delivery, while the delivery attempt will be proven by a statement from the courier service.

6.6. On the basis of these Terms and Conditions, a contractual relationship is established between you and immo:intel, which is governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic. All disputes regarding claims arising from these Terms or the use of the Application or related to these Terms or the Application will be exclusively within the competence of the courts of the Slovak Republic. Both you and immo:intel agree to submit such disputes to the jurisdiction of these courts.

6.7. If you have any questions, you can contact us at immointel@caronstudios.net.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes in detail how we obtain, use, store and possibly disclose your personal data during individual activities carried out while using the Application immo:intel. Please contact us at immointel@caronstudios.net for any questions, queries or requests regarding privacy protection.

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If you have any further questions, you can contact us at immointel@caronstudios.net.